Sunday 9 June 2013

When life gives you lemons.......

So call me thick if you want I'm not bothered but, the other day I realised the actual meaning of this quote. Now knowing i love it so much its just shows what out look you should have on life, if something comes your way don't just do it and carry on make some great out of every situation because you can do that.

One last thing I'm going to Dublin on Wednesday so I will blog about that for you lovelies.


Tuesday 4 June 2013

having a really good day today

So today was just one of those days were i was in the greatest of moods, I've been having a lot more recently which is so good. One thing that made my day better is this quote '“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown'  this made me realise that not matter how much others around me try and help its only me that can actually do things for myself which also brings me onto another quote '“I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.” –Unknown' which shows that any chance or opportunity you get take it because it may never come around again. a once in a lifetime experience could change you forever!
go check out this website . you may have a good day too!

Thursday 23 May 2013

Do as the Romans do

So it was about 3 weeks ago now that I went to Rome, it was always the place I had wanted to go on my travels, the place that was near the top. When I found out I was going I was thrilled. Visiting all the sites and main attractions but as well visiting all the small cafe's and bars. Down all the back streets filled with culture and history were some amazing places to shop and get great deals on foods and clothing, an amazing environment to be in and an experience I would do again.
As I said It was a place I will be deffo going again the most incredible experience, I totally recommend it to anyone that wants to travel and go see the world. here are few pictures I took whilst there. Enjoy!!!


Monday 20 May 2013

National best friends day!!!!

So as your all probably aware today is national best friends day and i thought it would be nice to share some photos of some of the people i like to call my best friends!!!


Thursday 16 May 2013

why not smile?

So I've been thinking a lot about how depressed people are these days but why? Well I honestly think its because they expect too much from life and don't enjoy the little things that mean the most. I mean yeah there  is days were you just think ahh I give up but then you realise that there's more things to live for and be happy about than there is bad. Not enough people think like that these days and don't take the opportunities they should so if you one of those people just think there someone far worse off than you are!!!


Tuesday 14 May 2013

not in the mood

Having the worst day ever and I'm so not in the mood. Firstly I'm still ill, secondly my SB has broken and last but not least i have an exam tomorrow!!
I'm off on a jog to clear my mind

Monday 13 May 2013

Hi I'm new here

This is kinda weird for me not really into things like this but thought I would give it a try. Jump on the band wagon! 

But anyway thought I would be pretty cool to look back at the past year on a blog and all the cool things I did or discovered or ranted about and maybe just maybe share it with other people. 

That's all for now gimmie a follow on twitter  and i shall be back before you know it!
